What is the syllabus of CAT exam 2024?

The CAT or the Common Admission Test is the most important examination in India for candidates seeking MBA admission. Learning about the CAT syllabus for 2024 is important for any person who is aiming at taking this difficult examination. In this blog we will be explaining about CAT 2024 syllabus, criteria required to qualify and what it takes to pass this exam.

CAT Exam Syllabus 2024 Overview

The CAT syllabus for 2024 remains consistent with previous years, covering three primary sections: Three main sections include Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Every one of the sections assesses unique competencies that are vital for management education.

The particular test that is administered is the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) test. The VARC section mainly tests the student’s mastery of the English language. The key areas covered under this section include:

  • Reading Comprehension: Section composed of passages and questions that check if the reader grasps and comprehends the passage he or she has just read.
  • Verbal Ability: Areas like sentence completion, sentence correction, para-jumbles, para- summaries.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning is abbreviated as DILR.

  • The DILR section aims at identifying the ability of interpreting data and solving logical problems. Key topics include:

Data Interpretation: Charts, graphs, tables & caselets.

  • Logical Reasoning: Jigsaws, chairs and people relation, cousins, family trees, and logic problems.

Quantitative Ability (QA)

  • The QA section assesses your math ability while the GW section tests your general awareness. Important topics include:
  • Arithmetic: Averages, percentages and proportion, partnership business, algebraical calculations and business expenses, time and work, ratios.
  • Algebra: Algebra includes equations, inequalities as well as functions.
  • Geometry and Mensuration: Straight and curved shapes, point, line, angle, triangle, and circle, and computations of areas.
  • Number Systems: Multiples and factors – part 1, divisibility rules, and prime numbers.


CAT Eligibility Criteria 2024

Understanding the CAT eligibility criteria 2024 is crucial for all aspirants. The procedural CAT eligibility criteria for MBA include diverse features such as educational background and age constraints.


Academic Qualifications

For admission to CAT 2024, the applicant should possess a bachelor’s degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% for SC/ST/PWD category). The degree must be obtained from a recognized university or other recognized institution of learning. You may be sure that you are academically ready for the demanding nature of management education if you meet the CAT eligibility criteria 2024.


CAT Eligibility Criteria 12th Marks

While the CAT eligibility criteria 12th marks are not explicitly mentioned, having a strong academic background can enhance your overall profile. When you score well in your 12th grade, it shows that you have had a good academic records system in your school.


CAT Eligibility Age

The candidate’s age has no restriction in taking the CAT examination or in applying for the admission process. Being a computer based test, candidates of any age can write the test while fulfilling education requirements only. This makes it possible for many people to sit for the CAT exam thus fulfilling the dream of a large number of aspirants.


CAT Exam Eligibility Percentage

For graduation the CAT Exam Eligibility Percentage is very nominal and it resides at a minimum of 50 percent while for the reserved candidates the percentage allocated is 45 percent. This criterion makes sure that the candidates have a good academic base before they join for MBA.


Preparing for CAT 2024

Therefore, it is important that the preparation towards the CAT exam is well done. Here's how you can prepare effectively:


Understand the Syllabus

It is easier to understand the detailed CAT syllabus 2024 if one briefly goes through the course coverage of CAT. It is beneficial to know what is being expected of you in each section in order to plan your study schedule adequately. Think about the topics you are least prepared for as this will allow you to balance your preparation.


Practice Regularly

Regular practice is crucial. Download old question papers and try taking practice tests in order to understand the nature and format of such an exam. This will assist in time management and also help to increase the amount of accuracy.


Join Coaching Classes

In case you require further assistance, it may be advisable for you to approach a coaching center. Some tips and necessary tips can be imparted by an expert teacher who will guide the candidates for cracking CAT.


Self-Study and Online Resources

Currently, there are many free and paid resources in the form of online courses, video tutorials, and materials. Use these to augment the preparation you have done.


Strategies for CAT 2024 Exam

  • Create a Study Plan: Create a program of revision that leaves no topic based on CAT syllabus 2024 uncovered. It is useful to schedule each section of the presentation separately.
  • Time Management: Practice time management while doing the exam. Try to finish each section before the time is up.
  • Regular Revision: Revise each of the topics frequently you have read. This will assist in the reinforcement of the studied materials and the enhancement of retention rates.
  • Stay Updated: It is advisable to check for any changes in the CAT exam pattern or syllabus from time to time. Keep updating from the official CAT portals and forums.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt proper diet and regular exercise. Adequate rest, balanced diet and hydration and exercise will enhance your productivity in a very big way.



The Common Admission Test is an essential requirement to be met for admittance into some of the top management courses offered in India. First of all, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the CAT syllabus for 2024 and ensure that you meet all the requirements to take the test. This is because there are various eligibility requirements related to the marks scored in 12th, age, and, the percentage of marks scored by a candidate that one needs to meet to be eligible for the CAT examination.

CAT exam preparation is a challenging task that needs a lot of commitment, effort, and the right strategy. Thus, candidates can increase their chances of success by following the CAT syllabus 2024 and ensuring that they meet the qualifications. So, my students, patience and perseverance are what you need to succeed in such tasks. Get ready for CAT 2024!


FAQs on the Syllabus of CAT Exam 2024


1. What are the sections in the CAT syllabus 2024?

The CAT syllabus is categorized into three main parts:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Quantitative Ability (QA)


2. What topics are covered under Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)?

The VARC section typically includes:

  • Reading Comprehension (RC) passages
  • Sentence Correction
  • Sentence Completion
  • Para Jumbles
  • Para Summary
  • Odd Sentence Out
  • Vocabulary-based questions


3. What topics are included in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)?

The DILR section generally covers:

  • Bar Graphs
  • Line Charts
  • Pie Charts
  • Tables
  • Caselets
  • Logical Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Blood Relations
  • Calendars and Clocks


4. What are the main topics in Quantitative Ability (QA)?

The QA section usually includes:

  • Arithmetic (Percentages, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Time, Speed and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion)
  • Algebra (Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Inequalities)
  • Number System (Integers, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Divisibility Rules)
  • Geometry (Triangles, Circles, Polygons, Coordinate Geometry)
  • Mensuration (Areas, Volumes)
  • Modern Math (Probability, Permutations and Combinations, Set Theory, Functions)


5. How many questions are there in each section of the CAT syllabus 2024?

The number of questions in each section may vary each year, but typically:

  • VARC: 24-26 questions
  • DILR: 24-26 questions
  • QA: 24-26 questions the total number of questions is usually around 76.


6. What is the weightage of each section in the CAT syllabus?

Each section in the CAT 2024 exam generally has equal weightage. However, the exact number of questions and their distribution may vary slightly each year.


7. Are there any changes expected in the CAT syllabus compared to previous years?

While the core structure of the CAT syllabus remains consistent, minor changes and updates may occur. It's important to stay updated by regularly checking the CAT 2024 official website.


8. How should I prepare for the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section?

  • Read widely and regularly, including newspapers, magazines, and novels.
  • Practice comprehension passages and verbal reasoning questions.
  • Work on vocabulary building and grammar.


9. What is the best way to prepare for the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) section?

  • Practice a variety of data sets and logical puzzles.
  • Focus on improving speed and accuracy.
  • You should answer previous years' CAT papers and mock tests.


10. How can I excel in the Quantitative Ability (QA) section?

  • Strengthen your fundamentals in mathematics.
  • Practice regularly and solve a variety of quantitative problems.
  • Take timed quizzes and mock tests to improve speed.


11. Is there a specific order in which to attempt the sections in CAT 2024?

The CAT 2024 exam is conducted in a fixed order: VARC, DILR, and QA. Examinees are not permitted to move between sections.


12. Are there any recommended books for CAT syllabus preparation?

Yes, some recommended books include:

  • "How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT" by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • "Quantitative Aptitude for CAT" by Arun Sharma
  • "How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT" by Arun Sharma


13. Is coaching necessary for CAT syllabus preparation?

Coaching is not mandatory but can be beneficial for structured learning and guidance. Many candidates also succeed through self-study and disciplined preparation.


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